Friday, May 21, 2010

Men. Can't live with em, can't live without em.

Oh what a day! I will never ever ever understand the opposite sex. I suppose they say the same thing. But come on!!! I swear, this is it. If this doesn't work out, I am DONE. Not forever but for a long, long time. I just can't endure anymore heartache and pain. I have prayed. I have and continue to seek God. And I make it clear from the beginning of my intentions and that the Big Guy comes first. So why do I have so many problems with men? I've tried all different types as well. Older. Younger. White. Black. Puerto Rican. Italian. Irish. Russian. That's like every "kind" there is haha And I've dated men of God. So again, what's the problem? Oh my sweet Jesus please help me. Show me what you want me to do. I am forever yours. I love you. Eternally.

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1 comment:

  1. I was lucky to have God bring me together with my husband at an early age. The funny thing about the timing was that I had given up dating. I was "dating God" and working completely on my relationship with him when he sent Joseph my way... And at first, I didn't give Joseph a second thought. He was unlike any guy I ever imagined myself with and it took me a while to see and accept that God knew me better than I knew myself. I know this may not help, but I promise God has the right man out there for you. Pray for him now and use the time you are without him in your life to strengthen your relationship and to build that foundation with God that you will one day start your family upon. This is the most important time of your life and I know God have great things in store for you because you have a very strong faith, an unmistakable love for God, and a huge heart. I'll be praying for you sweetie!
